Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dahlonega, GA. Incorporated in 1833.

This month has been an eventful one for ISM, and that is putting the matter lightly. Even though that sounds foreboding, I am looking forward to some major changes that are coming our way as far as how the ministry will be run and what my role will be next year as an intern. I believe that God is moving in a big way and I pray that our leadership will have the confidence and discernment to follow His will for ISM.

In other news, ISM traveled to the fair city of Dahlonega, Georgia to tour one of the United State's earliest gold mines. I found the whole trip to be more interesting than I thought it would be, and I was surprised at how interested the international students were when it came to panning for gold and hearing about the life of gold miners in the early-to-late nineteenth century. The trip to and from Dahlonega is about 1-2 hours from Athens, so I had plenty of time to talk to students on the bus. It was very enjoyable because I knew many of the students from previous events, so our conversation was automatically deeper and more personal. I don't have any pictures of our trip yet, but I will try to post a few soon!

Meanwhile, ISM is gearing up for another Snack n Chat this Friday, and this one is fiesta-themed. My fellow interns and I had a lot of freedom in planning this time around, so we are definitely looking forward to it!