Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fo sho Fogo!

... and just because I felt there was no place for this in my last post, an entry to share about our Intern Appreciation, this year held at Fogo de Chao! (

Here are a few pictures (sorry for the blur factor) :

Okay, so I stole this from Fogo de Chao’s website. My camera can’t handle the night time.

The ISM Intern Team + our marvelous leader, Lindsay!

Amelia and I standing outside by the rotating meat beacon in the window. Please ignore the palm frond.

We sipped limeades, ate from a salad bar that contained very little salad and more meat than usual, and paced ourselves through the most glorious meat buffet I have ever experienced. By the end of the night, I had consumed enough protein to power ten small children. Exaggeration? I think not!

Oh, man is a giddy thing

Here it comes – one of the most difficult and least satisfying posts I will make this year. Don’t get me wrong, I am very excited for the summer. In less than ten days I will be leaving on my trip, and when I return I will have a wonderful part time job awaiting me. At some point, I may even get to visit one of my good friends in Memphis and do Memphian things, like visit Graceland.

However, all of that seems far away right now. As of Thursday, April 28th, my internship with the Wesley Foundation is over for the school year. Before I make this too dramatic, I have to remind myself that I will return again in August – that I will have one more year to grow, change, edify, encourage, be encouraged, and solidify myself in who the Lord is. While that is certainly comforting, it does not smooth over the fact that many of my good friends will be leaving before I even get back from my trip – across the country and across the world. I know that God called each and every one of them to travel to the places to which they go, and I am so excited to hear about all the things the Lord will do, yet I am aware of the distinct possibility that I could very easily pull away from the only one who knows how difficult transitions like this are: God.

In the past, summers have not been a time of growth for me. I often become distracted from the Lord, and spending time with Him seems like the most tedious and exhausting thing I could do. This is ridiculous, especially when I look back on the things He has done for me and the way that He loves me, despite my many missteps. Therefore, this is my new outlook on summer, especially this summer between internship years:

Deuteronomy 31:8 states that, “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Isn't it time that I started believing that? Why should I be discouraged, even if I am away from the community I became so acclimated to during this year? The Lord acknowledges seasons, but He is not subject to them. He has always been the same, and always will be. When I was a child, now, when I am old – He is stability and love without end. So whether or not my flesh and feelings cooperate, I plan to have a very good summer, and I know that the Lord will work wonderful things on my trip. I can’t wait to share them with you! I can’t wait to share what the Lord is doing, what He has done, and what He will do. He is so good!

Now I will leave you with some lyrics from a song that has been in my head for a few days now. This is definitely not the worst song to meditate on:

Love it will not betray you, dismay or enslave you,

it will set you free
be more like the man you were made to be.
There is a design,
an alignment to cry,
of my heart to see,
the beauty of love as it was made to be