Thursday, May 10, 2012

ISM Fun, Farewell, and Future

Hello again! I know that it has been a long time since I updated this blog. Many things have happened since then, both personally and corporately at Wesley and within the International Student Ministry, the most significant of those being that I will be coming back to Wesley for a 3rd year and going back to school!

As a 3rd year intern, I will be over ISM, as well another internationally-minded ministry at Wesley, Athens to the Nations. I will also be working with the mission trips that our ministry takes every year. I am excited to take on this new role, not in the least because I will have greater responsibility in the ministry areas I mentioned and I will be a part of a team of three that will over see the more than 350 students and leaders who participate in Wesley mission trips both national and international each year.

I will also be going back to school with Asbury Seminary! I plan to pursue an M.A. in World Mission and Evangelism, a degree that I will begin earning as a part time student next year. The Lord has already blessed me beyond my expectations by granting me a full ride for next year, and I could not be more pleased to be able to embark on this new path in my education debt free!

Thank you for your prayers and support through this second year of interning. It has been an amazing year, not least of all because three of my international friends came to know the Lord last semester. I have been so blessed to be a small part of their journey and to witness all that God has worked through them since they came here. One of the girls who became a Christian this year is moving to another state to be with her husband as he continues his pursuit of a PhD. I was concerned for a few months because she would be leaving her community here, and because her husband was not a Christian. However, a few weeks ago, she informed me that he has recently become a believer, and that she and her husband will be baptized at his church when she moved to meet him! It's amazing to see how God provides and how He changes hearts. I am confident that He will protect her as she leaves this part of her journey behind for all the more wonderful things to come.

That about sums up all the most important developments from the past few months. Please enjoy these pictures of our last few ISM events, as well as our Intern Appreciation that Wesley celebrated at the end of April:

Crouching over puzzles for our competitive puzzling contest! I know that it doesn't sound like much, but it's a pretty big deal for ISM :)

Our farewell party for those who are going home or to a different school

Making up Easter baskets together...

Intern Appreciation at the Georgia Theatre!

Thanks again! Look for a post from me next month!
