Thursday, August 11, 2011

Aaaaaannnnddddd, here we go!

ISM was in the Red and Black! Check it out here!

Two weeks ago, I started back as an intern at the UGA Wesley Foundation, and I couldn't be happier! I get a second year to be a part of this awesome ministry to UGA's campus and learn more about God's purpose for community and leadership. Both the Wesley Foundation and the International Student Ministry are going to undergo some changes this year which I know will strengthen what the Lord is doing on campus and in the city. ISM will begin a Friday night Bible study for those international students who are interested in learning more about what Christians believe. This is going to be a great opportunity for us to connect with our students on a deeper level, and will enable us to share our testimony of what the Lord has done, is doing, and will do in our lives!

At Wesley, I will begin mentoring (or “discipling”) three new girls this semester, bringing my total number of girls from five to eight! I am glad to have so many new leaders at Wesley, and I know that God will give me the capacity to intercede for and pay each girl the attention that she deserves. Intern-wise, we have a large number of 2nd years, something that I am so thankful for! I’m glad to be able to spend another year getting to know them better by working and growing with them day by day. We have a good number of 1st year interns as well, and they add new personalities and vision for the internship and for their respective ministry areas. I know that this year is going to be amazing, and I can’t wait to share more about it!

         On the ISM front, last month we traveled to the Atlanta airport to pick up over 60 new Chinese students who are attending UGA this year. We brought them back to Athens First United Methodist for the night, where we socialized, ate snacks, and slept on air mattresses until the morning when we drove the students to their temporary housing at a nearby hotel. It's great to be a part of this service for the new students each year because many have few alternative ways to get to Athens. They are also disoriented from taking a 20+ hour flight (a feeling to which I can now relate, after my summer trip to China) and landing in a foreign country that could be their home for the next one to five years. This time gives the American volunteers a chance to help the students identify grocery stores, bus routes, and the layout of campus. It is also a night for everyone to have fun, even though jetlag usually kicks in pretty fast!

Our first ISM event will be on August 26th, when we have a “Snack ‘n Chat”, ISM’s term for our monthly dinner and activity, to welcome new and returning international students to the new school year. We will eat together, have a chance to meet each other (or catch up), and answer the students’ questions about life in Athens, and by extension, life in America. Snack n Chats are always our most popular events, and we try to be as hospitable and welcoming as possible to each of the over 300 international students that we serve each year. My hope for this semester is that the Lord will strengthen and grow our ministry in numbers and in faith!

'til next time!

As always, I appreciate your prayers and support for ISM, the Wesley Foundation, and, of course, myself. We have over 500 American student leaders at Wesley this year, spread out among 16 ministries that range from ISM to Artspeak. With 65 staff members, we definitely have our work cut out for us this year. Every staff person who works at Wesley is unpaid, and our responsibilities often take the form of a full-time job.

If you are interested in financially supporting me, please visit and check out the on-line donation options there. You can also send check donations through the mail to:
UGA Wesley Foundation
1196 S. Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30605
Earmarked Jessica Taylor

All financial and prayerful support is (really, truly, completely) appreciated, and tax deductible to boot! If you are wondering how to give, please consider pledging a monthly amount. My budget (which I would be happy to share with you) requires $800/ month, and even the smallest donation can pay a water bill or a trip to the grocery store. Prayer for my ministry at Wesley and through ISM is very important as well, and intercession for me would be fantastic!

If you would like more information, please email me at I would love to hear from you!